Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I know it has been a while since I last posted but my life has truly been a whirlwind and it is still trying to calm down. Before our anniversary was RD training and after our Anniversary was RA training (a week and a half long). RA training was great. I always love getting to know my new RAs and other RAs. Once RA training ended I was helping with MLS (Master Learner Seminar) at Belhaven. It is Belhaven's version of Freshman seminar. I am helping with the organization part.

Then there are these 100 or so students that moved in to Caldwell on August 20th. I love them all!! I know almost ALL names by now. There are a few that stump me here and there but for the most part I have them all down. My hall this year is soooo great. There are some amazing ladies in my building.

This year we are making a "surprise" hall t-shirt. I was not sure how that would go over in sales but it really did. I wanted the shirt to be a surprise cause I think they will really like it. I really hope they do. We sold around 122 shirts!!! Yep, that is more than we have in our building. We had boyfriends, Caldwell alums, Belhaven administration and others buying them as well. However, I would like to report that we sold t-shirts to 96% of our ladies that currently live in Caldwell. We will be having a Caldwell Hall Spirit Day on Tuesday, Sept 20th. We will all wear our shirts at the same time.

Then there was this storm called "Katrina." She really made things even more interesting. She came on a Monday and we were without power until that following Friday. On Monday, the day of the storm, we all stayed inside Caldwell , together. It was a time of community building. We played cards, games, talked, watched movies, had sing-a-longs and generally tried to keep our focus away from the storm outside. After the storm, we had no power or phones. We later took all the students to another buliding at night to sleep, it was air-conditioned. The dining hall continued to feed us (we ate very well, I may also add). Our students and myself had extra opportunities to volunteer. It was really a time to slow down and be thankful that we made it, to be thankful that God is in control and that we were very blessed to be so well taken care of.

Now, things are back to the normal pace of the begining of a semester. There are lots of meetings, lots of meeting new people and, best of all, being able to see everyone back at school.

Welcome Back...


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